A resource and running commentary on stylish London

First time for everything!

To say I am a novice at this whole blog thing is a bit of an understatement. If you happen to stumble upon my somewhat unorthodox approach, just think of me as that “friend” of yours whom you can turn to for the most stylish of advice. What is Stylish Mews? A resource and running commentary on what I consider to be the best see, must have, wear, eat, go to in London. It’s a treasure trove and compilation of favourite places and things, related to fashion, design, food, art and the home found in the capital.

I am curious by nature. The thrill of discovering something new has taken me to parts of London most Londoners do not know exist. One day I might want to share with you a hidden gem of a restaurant tucked behind a small lane in one of London’s ethnic neighbourhoods. Perhaps you will follow up on my advice about a fabulous Missoni dress waiting for you to try on at the Joseph shop in Brompton Cross. If you are a fanatic about good bread, have I got a place for you! Think of me as your virtual chauffeur, navigating you through the endless maze of possibilities on offer in London.

You are invited to join me on my frequent explorations across the city. Lucky for you, I find something surprising or worth sharing almost everyday!

Take yesterday for example… In Mayfair, on Cork Street I visited a beautiful exhibition at the Flowers Gallery by the artist Claerwen James running until the 16th of March.

I loved these portraits which originated as photographs. The bold and graphic patterns found on dresses of the young girls is strikingly original and a marked contrast with the brushstrokes evocative of a John Singer Sargent tableau.


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